Father, Gamer and Application developer. So many hats so many opinions and thoughts.
Wow if i was an anger management coach I'd make money here
Published on September 6, 2010 By Shalkto In War of Magic

Seriously you'd think that stardock was some bosnian girl throwing puppies into rivers. The level of vitriol and anger is ridiculous. None of you haters could have done tihs better none of you. Have a big mug of STFU.


Seriously by the level of anger her ei keep expecting to see Michael Bay post a 50,000 bounty on stardock. Maybe SD should just shut the forums down and work on the game. Seems there is more time spent reading idiots posting than there should be. You don't like the game get a refund and get the #$@$ out of StarDock's house. No one is making you buy this game. No one put a gun to your head and said you had to buy this.

Maybe those who are so angry and have nothing better to do should seek some serious therapy. I hate Glen Beck but you don't see me cruising his website posting idiotic statements. My lord if my 14yo daughter behaved like you guys i'd be washing her mouth out and grounding her. Maybe a few groundings would be a good idea.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 06, 2010


Quoting VR_IronMana, reply 9Puppies need to be nerfed, not thrown into rivers.

Their cuteness (and chewing) is overpowered.

I told the devs that in the beta and time after time they ignored me. Not only that but they added Wargs, which are just big puppies that are less cute but do far more chewing and are therefore horribly unbalanced.

They totally have to fix this NOW or I'm not going to play Elemental again for another 3 hours!


I know, like seriously, right?

I mean, we knew that they wouldn't have enough time to balance Wargs. And OMG only Empires get them - so imba.

Kingdoms are gimped now. Wargs >>>>> Horses.

Wargs should have more upkeep - I mean all the poop bags you'd need should cost more gold. Oh, they should require horses because you have to feed a horse to a warg to keep him from chewing your face off. And the kennel, it should raze every 3 turns because of the warg's chewing.

How could they miss this?!

on Sep 06, 2010

Actually falconne, this system is in fact a BBS, forum is only a term that has risen in the past few years to define this form of messaging, implying that you're allowed something as silly as free speech on it. The nerve!

on Sep 06, 2010

I'd go a step further and shut the internet down.  Most likely if this were shut down, people would just complain elsewhere.  

In fact, all water-coolers should be removed from office buildings until further notice.

We need to remove all combustible material.  The reason is that once you shut down the Internet and remove the water coolers, people will resort to their phones.  So we'll need to shut those down too.  Soon afterwards they'll want to send smoke signals.  So let's be proactive and prevent that from being possible.

A few years ago, I would have been worried about the newspapers but most of them are dying off and most people can't read them anyways.


on Sep 06, 2010

Maybe progress needs to be nerfed.

I mean, did anyone flame someone via smoke signals and cave drawings? Or even Sanskrit or Hieroglyphics?

on Sep 06, 2010

I mean, did anyone flame someone via smoke signals and cave drawings? Or even Sanskrit or Hieroglyphics?

No.  Back in those days they just toppled the statues, chiseled the Hieroglyphics they didn't like off the walls, and forbid certain names to be mentioned.  Hmm... doesn't sound much different.

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