Father, Gamer and Application developer. So many hats so many opinions and thoughts.
Wow if i was an anger management coach I'd make money here
Published on September 6, 2010 By Shalkto In War of Magic

Seriously you'd think that stardock was some bosnian girl throwing puppies into rivers. The level of vitriol and anger is ridiculous. None of you haters could have done tihs better none of you. Have a big mug of STFU.


Seriously by the level of anger her ei keep expecting to see Michael Bay post a 50,000 bounty on stardock. Maybe SD should just shut the forums down and work on the game. Seems there is more time spent reading idiots posting than there should be. You don't like the game get a refund and get the #$@$ out of StarDock's house. No one is making you buy this game. No one put a gun to your head and said you had to buy this.

Maybe those who are so angry and have nothing better to do should seek some serious therapy. I hate Glen Beck but you don't see me cruising his website posting idiotic statements. My lord if my 14yo daughter behaved like you guys i'd be washing her mouth out and grounding her. Maybe a few groundings would be a good idea.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 06, 2010

I think you have this forum confused with someplace else...

on Sep 06, 2010

on Sep 06, 2010

yeah, i've seen far wose places in all honesty. there as many comforters as there are trolls.

i don't think stopping discussion is part of stardock's philosophy. they're bigger than that. better to say that the devs should know where we are if they want us, but otherwise not worry about us too much. ie, it's important for them to remember that discussing with us (or even reading our opinions) is only optional for them.

on Sep 06, 2010

And making inflammatory threads about the community is any better?

on Sep 06, 2010


on Sep 06, 2010

Oh my.



BTW, I actually think there are a lot of good ideas floating around in some of the sections. Selective reading is key.

on Sep 06, 2010

Forum (n): a public meeting or assembly for open discussion

on Sep 06, 2010

Seriously you'd think that stardock was some bosnian girl throwing puppies into rivers.

I don't care for that comment.  My wife's uncle's mother's best friend friend's daughter's grandfather's mistress is from Bosnia.  Why does it have to be a Bosnian girl?  Why a girl?  Why puppies?!  WTF did puppies deserve to be thrown into rivers for?  You cruel bastard.

on Sep 06, 2010

Puppies need to be nerfed, not thrown into rivers.

Their cuteness (and chewing) is overpowered.


on Sep 06, 2010

Edited for the sake of peace and restored sanity.

on Sep 06, 2010

If you buy a new car from a dealer and it has no engine you would be upset too.  Some people care more about video games, than they do about cars, so to them buying a video game that isn`t all there is pretty much the same thing.  I can understand that I guess......

I agree with you that many of the people`s attitudes on the forums is.... "un-productive".  It doesn`t really help the situation.

I used to think that it was just a simple disagreement, getting out of hand, but apparently Stardock seems to be deleting (fortunatly) all the really angry posts.  However I managed to read some of them before they were moderated.....

I am upset that the game isn`t what it should have been too..... I am angry that I paid money for a product that didn`t work.  They are trying to fix it!  If you have nothing productive to offer Just LET THEM DO IT!!!!!

If a car dealer says, we are sorry we made a mistake, we will install the engine in the car for you at no cost it will just take a bit of time.  You probably would calm down a bit?  Also you wouldn`t be telling them what to do either!  You might offer a [suggestion] like I want a v8 instead of a v6.... do you think that could be possible?  They might do it (although with cars probably not, but cars and video games are different in that aspect).  You can also state your opinion.... I think if you changed the color that would be cool!  It might happpen....     

I do believe that Game Companies should be held accountable for the game they produce..... but enough is enough.  Let them work!

on Sep 06, 2010

sorry chief.  we have every right to be angry and to have our angry posts deleted by forum mods.  I have been a loser...er, gamer... for decades and I am really getting tired of the state of games at release the last few years.   the fact is that a decade ago if you bought a game it worked(even if it sucked).  i realize that a game's internal organs are infinitely more complex these days, but that is no excuse.  don't use complicated graphics if you can't do it right.  i don't want great graphics, i want great gameplay.  most importantly, i want a finished product.  too many are shoving games on the shelves with the intention of patching problems once they get some of our cash to pay for it.  it is wrong.  it makes people angry.  so they complain to the company that has sold them the lemon, how is that wrong?  go back to licking stardock's arse and but your tongue to good use. 

on Sep 06, 2010

on Sep 06, 2010

Puppies need to be nerfed, not thrown into rivers.

Their cuteness (and chewing) is overpowered.

I told the devs that in the beta and time after time they ignored me. Not only that but they added Wargs, which are just big puppies that are less cute but do far more chewing and are therefore horribly unbalanced.

They totally have to fix this NOW or I'm not going to play Elemental again for another 3 hours!

on Sep 06, 2010

I'd go a step further and shut the internet down.  Most likely if this were shut down, people would just complain elsewhere.  


In fact, all water-coolers should be removed from office buildings until further notice.

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